Saturday, August 8, 2009


assalamualaikum saturday.....

my 3rd day writing....raser mcm bridget jones diary lakkk....bes dpt suara manja2 serak cam renee zellweger....hehehehe...

suddenly...pagi2 buta ni ingat 1 quotes from drew barrymore in never been kissed....

**That thing, that moment, when you kiss someone and everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person and you realize that that person is the only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that that it will go away all at the same time***

why???? feel like missing some1 so much today....

org byk ckp that i'm stupid...thinking that there is a reason on the 'dropped packet' that has been reach 1 week today...lelaki semua samer jer dia... org cakaplah... jgn haraplah ader sebab baik dia x amik call ko...mmg dah nampak simptom dia 'nak away'....

memanglah biler skali pikir...fobia gak pasal dah slalu happens kat aku but biler dah masuk umo 33 ni...nak blajar pk positif...x semestinyer 'dropped packet' means nak away...mungkin ader specific reason why it happens...hati manusia maner kiter tau...

lagipun...aper yg kita pk n ckp..its 'doa' dan Tuhan akan makbulkan doa kita.. Insya Allah..

tp klu nak jd citer aper yg negatif itu yg reality..i have to face it... accept it..i'm the one who chose it at first place...i knew the risk..n i must brave to face it..still remembered what he said to me...'jgn asyik pk org lain bertuah dr kita, kita mesti pk yang kita bertuah dr org lain n bersyukur dgn tuah kita.. itu doa' n dats what i'm gonna do now...take it as a challenge..part of sacrifice.. setiap di sebalik sesuatu ada tersembunyi hikmah..

tp few thinks i realized is things has been settled n smoothen one by one..lega smalam dah transfer ownership kereta to my bro in law..n then ader lah bbrp loan tu dah settle..if this is the sign for me to 'slow down' then Alhamdulillah...

n the bes thing ever is aku x racun sgt mcm lepas2..heheheheh...

dlm kepala otak skarang asyik pk camner nak cari duit..nak tambah duit..nak simpan counts everything....

cinta tu letak tepi dulu... i mean its still priority but kena slow momentum jap...nak settle blajar dulu..

ari ni yus cleaner nyer last day..sedih..kurang sorang geng nak buat ketupat (ngumpat)..dan kepala aku nak pecah pk pasal final project networking..byk nau requirements nyer..aperlah aku dpt lecture terlebih dtails...penin penin...

pastu nak wat mileage claim apiz lg..budak nih lg 1..skali bg utk 2 bln.. x lengkaplah tuh...maner nak raba track journey dia..dia ni nak kena bg pakai tracker..senang skit noted..

ya Allah..mintak2lah shogun berlanggar epala dia kat maner2..pastu kasi kita org increament ngan bonus...walaupun aku tau jauh panggang dr api tp x salah maaa...janji doa kita ikhlas...

ari ni nak balik rumah..tido2 jap..manerlah tau ader dpt idea baru pas tdo..pastu mungkin teman mak g terapi.. lutut wa sakit woo...kater pak ngah wa..angin jahat...perghh..sungguh jahat itu angin...kasi bunuh sama dia...

dan lg satu...resolusi wa..nak turun 5kg sblom posa...heheheh


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